Friday, December 29, 2006
Dynamis-Xarcabard Interloper

Thursday, December 28, 2006
Kirin x2

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Ranger to 71 and Limbus
Limbus today was good, kinda cutting close at the end but otherwas nice. A good number of people showed up, 17 which is good and we did Northren Tower this time. I got 3 coins out of it putting my total at 30 coins, I need about 45 more for my brutal earring. My Assault static didn't get to run today because some people weren't on, so I'm thinking of running with a pickup group or maybe another ls static for some points. I would like to get more points so I can get some of the Assault gear for my RNG.
Tomorrow we try for Jorm again. We did well last time I heard, but at the end made a mistake and we couldn't kill Jorm. We hope to kill him tomorrow, which we stand a good chance at if we get a good turnout. Updated again tomorrow with the result of the battle with the Dragon.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas Everyone!
End game stuff has been slow because of the Holiday, but should pick up a bit soon. For now I'm leveling my RNG which is 69 right now, hope to get it to 70 in a couple of days and 75 in 2 weeks or so.
Enjoy the your Christmas day everyone! Drink, be merry and eat alot of food.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Late Post
Last Monday was a server restart, so we camped some HNM, however we didn't claim anything mostly because we didn't have the man power on. We also skipped sea farming/jailers because of the same reason not enough people. I mostly leveled on my RNG and got level closer to 66.
Tuesday was a free day so I leveled on RNG for the day, I got 66 and almost half way to 67. After the EXP party I tried to seek again at night but got tired of waiting so I logged early for the night so I could try early morning on Wednesday for an exp party before Assault and Limbus. Wednesday morning I got a invite for my RNG quickly and got 67 and tried out my new toy O-bow. After the party I waited until Assault. We only did 3 runs because everyone needed to do something else before Limbus. Rimmy was put back into the static and we did the last LC missions for the quest to become a C. Limbus we did Central tower again and was easy didn't last long and I got 2 coins out of it. My total is now 27; 48 more until my Brutal Earring.
Thursday and most of Friday I missed because my DSL was down. When I logged on Friday Dynamis was about 1 hour and 30mins into the run so I just skipped it and got an EXP party for my RNG and I got 10k out of it and was about 7k until 68. From what I heard there we a few server restarts so the LS didn't do Jorm on Thursday but popped like 6 minis instead. I missed Seriyu which made me sad! But lucky for me people did Bonus farming and got: 4 Zippy, 2 Faust, 1 MG and 1 SC in 2 days. Not bad!
Saturday was sky farming, again it was a productive session with MGx2, Zippy, Faust. We camped Ulli mostly but again he didn't pop! Hopefully an off time crew will get him. Right now we need like 5 waters, 2 SC and 3 BB to complete our sets and of course Ulli! Christmas Eve today everyone and tomorrow Christmas! So everyone have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Winter Break Starts
Anyways, Thursday was minis but before we did the killing we found Mother Globe up so we went to kill her. After that we started off with Genbu, and during that a GM appeared before me! It was because I was doing an item recovery for the bomb core I threw like 4 days ago. After the talk I got my bomb core and the CK crew got to show off in front of the GM. Genbu was tough though! He took out all 3 plds... what he dropped though was crap. I think w.feet and shield. Then it was Suzaku x2 was the same crappy drops. After that it was on to Byakko! Yeah we finally got one during off day farming. However, we ran into trouble because RMT were popping Byakko, luckly Enz logged and asked if we could pop one and they let us. After we killed Byakko we were all happy because he dropped a B.Haidate finally for Eulore. We called it a night because it was late.
Friday was a free day so I leveled on my ranger before Dynamis. My RNG was 8k till level to 66 but my brother called me and he needed help with the baby room at his house so I had to log. I missed Dynamis because I was still painting when it started, but the time I got back they were half way through so I just logged for the night.
Today was sky farming I overslept so I missed 30-45 mins of farming. But we got Ulli again! When I arrived at sky they were camping SC, so I joined and did some skill ups on G.axe. That's when Javir said Faust was up, half the people went there while the other half went to Zippy. We missed Faust though because RMT got it before we were ready to pull. Zippy though we got! After that we went to check on MG before leaving and she was up so we killed her before heading off. So far we got mini sets for Byakko and Seriyu. I'm not sure if we also have another Seriyu and Genbu, but I know at least we have half a set for them.
After sky I seeked on my RNG and got a party, I leveled to 66 quickly but the party ended. However, a hour later I got another party and it brought me another 10k. I'm about 17k to 67, I'll start camping for my o.bow. Until next post, later.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Ranger to 65 and KS30
Later that night was KS30, but I took a break until then, fished and afked. It was an easy KS30 Operation Desert Swarm, however, the drops sucked. Oh yeah, almost forgot, I accidentally threw my Bomb Core! Yeah, I'm depressed. I'm currently trying out the new GM policy on item recovery. I hope I can get it back in a week, if not I'll be farming again to get money to buy one again.
Today is Limbus, but before is Assault. I'll post again later with info on that and edit with pictures on previous posts.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Ranger to 64 and Sea Farming/Jailers
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Dynamis Bastok, Behemoth, RNG
Saturday was early morning HNM because the servers restarted. After that no farming in sky, some ls mates did KS99, I had to babysit though so I missed it. They went 2/3 on Horns of War.
After that I seeked on RNG and got lvl 61.
Sunday was basically leveling on RNG, I got 62 and 63 today. I missed Limbus because I was still in the exp party, but I'm running low on cash so I'm saving on the long run. Tomorrow is sea farming/jailers and on Tuesday its free, but KS30 with some ls mates.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Assault, Limbus, Fafnir Camping, Sky Farming, Mini Gods
Thursday was Fafnir camping, he popped early again this time in the second window. After Fafnir it was sky farming, I was one of the first there so I did some scouting. I went to MG first and she was up. After I told the LS, they headed over there, I then decided to head to Faust to see if he was up and he was, but at the same time Jimibean said Zippy was up so we divided up the people and sent people to MG and Zippy. I was in the alliance that went after MG, we killed it but it was long because one of the tanks died. After MG we went to SC, he popped during the third detector. Then after we killed SC, we went to BB. It was a productive night with 5NMs. When Enz finally logged in we started to do some minis. We did Genbu first, he droped G.shield, M.hands, W.feet. The second Genbu dropped A.hands and G.shield. Seriyu dropped S.kote. Suzaku dropped N.feet. After that we called it. Tomorrow is Fafnir again and Dynamis.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
White Coney and Fafnir Camping

After White Coney I EXP on RNG for a bit before Fafnir camping, I got 5k out of the JP party that invited me, and I learned that RNG still does nice dmg but my racc could use some work. When I was done with the EXP party, I started to head to Fafnir on my WAR. When I arrived the first window passed however, it didn't pop, and when the second window approached we waited and were ready. Then we finally got a claim! Everything looked ok during the start, however, it wasn't our night. We wiped to him when we claimed a fly during the battle. After that fight we all weren't feeling good so we just did whatever we wanted for the night. Prehaps on Tuesday it will go better.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Crazy Weekend
Friday, December 01, 2006
Suzaku x2 and Kirin

Kirin was being a jackass again when we started to kill him. He summon the minis fast though this run. However, everytime I drew hate I died in less then 10 seconds. It was really annoying, I wasn't effective at all I was basically just watching. It took us around 20mins to kill him with lots of deaths, and a total time of 40mins from summons to death. I believe we are getting a little sloppy. The whms should each choice a melee or two and focus on them. I wasn't hasted at all when I was alive, granted I was alive for a short time but still. Overall though it was a good run, the Drops were: Osode [Soul], W.legs[Eulore], S.cloth. We don't have any more Kirin sets so we should be focusing on Farming Ulli soon on our off time. Next Thursday though I believe is Jorm, but tomorrow is Dynamis with Limitless. Anyways I'm off for now, cya all.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday's Action!

CS before the BC for ToAU 23.
BC for ToAU 23.
Limbus with the CK gang!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Sea on Monday

Sunday, November 26, 2006
Holiday Week
Hello, a little edit on what I did on Sunday night. Instead of CoP static, I did Limbus. I believe some people couldn't show up so we skipped it for tonight and I did limbus with the ls. We did Northern Temeons Tower and I got a complete MNK AF +1 set! I have a total of 16 coins + 3 more coins I got from tonight's run and my total is at 19; one more coin and I'll have 20 for my MNK AF +1 gloves. However, I'm not sure if I will get my gloves right now, I'm thinking of saving until I get 75 coins to get a brutal earring. Anyways pictures! I'll caught you all later.

Monday, November 20, 2006
Sea Farming
When more people log out on and gathered, officers decided to pop Jailer of Justice because the turn out was good. When it started, all went well with ninjas tanking it and us melee beating it down. However, I started to see why this was a tier 2 Jailer, he started to spawn little squids several times. It wasn't long until there were like 5 or so, apparently the blms were suppose to kill them off. However, the blms were dead, I believe from a mistarget. After the blms died the main alliance started to crumble. When everyone died it was left with 9%. I believe things would have been better if blms lived longer, and if the charmed people in the main alliance were slept quicker.
After, the wipe at Jailer of Justice, we decided to pop Ix'Aern (MNK) x2. Those two fights went smoother because the LS killed them before. The cape didn't drop on either of the fights, but the deed did on both. After Ix'Aern (MNK), sea farming was called for the night. Tomorrow is a free day so I'll probably work on DRK, until next post everyone. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 19, 2006
Another Week of Laziness!
Byakko! Drops sucked no B.haidate...
Second time we burned Kirin down with TP! This one took 15mins
Drops: S.cloth, Osode(first one in the last 11 Kirins)[Pauge], and N.body[Zylia]
Friday was Dynamis with Limitless, it was Jeuno so it went by fast. They kill so fast in fact that we had like 2 hours of farming time left. It was a fun night overall, but the only depressing thing was that MNK AF2 gloves dropped. No one wanted them or was lotting for them so Kisada ask if anyone wanted them, I was too slow and it auto-dropped. That depressed me, but I lived this long without them, and I'm sure I will get one sooner or later.
Saturday was sky farming, we killed BB two times, and thats when we decided to kill Seiryu two times because we had a good sky farming turnout and we had the pop sets with us. The first Seriyu droped 2 a.legs, and the second Seriyu drop s.kote. After the Seriyu(s) Faust popped! Javir tried to solo, but died! So we ran over there and killed him. We now have a Suzaku x2 and Seriyu x1 pop sets. After farming, it was the Bahamnut BC fight, the quest known as "Storms of Fate." The BC is easy, the first group killed it and we weren't expecting much danger this run. The hardest part was gather the people, but when we got them we headed over the kill him and did in 12 mins or so. Congratulations guys!
Today, Sunday I didn't play much in the morning or afternoon. I feel bad because I was to help with a swift belt with friends, but my brother needed help with painting of the baby's room so I couldn't go. But I heard they went 5/5 so Congratulations Enz, Chan, Rece, Javir and Kyr(correction)! I also missed Limbus, but when I logged on it looked like members were happy so it must have went well. Right now, I'm doing Assault with Enz, Rig, Wyle, Rim and Soul. Pictures to come later.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Server Maintenance, HNM camping, KS30, sky farming

Pau, Preist, and Enz went ahead to Ulli, and I decided to turn in my brown belt items first and Javir was still gathering gear. By the time Javir and I reached Ulli it had already popped and was claimed by a Japanese LS. They pretty muched owned it, so we decided to camp for SC. A strange thing happened though, as Pau pulled a detector from the basement, SC popped from it. We were all suprised and started to feel lucky. It was a fun fight because Enz was checking for a Curtana, so we were fighting with four for alittle bit. When Enz finally got there it was about half way dead. The fight was pretty easy, after the stone droped we escaped and headed to water. Again something strange happened... water droped from the first pot we killed. It was right then we knew it was a lucky night. After killing a few more pots we decided to pop Olla, the fight was fun, and much easier than I thought. After we killed Olla, we continued farming for water. After 30mins or so Enz says he needs to go soon and as luck would have it another water droped. We decided to kill Olla again and once we finished off the second Olla before we all log of the night we headed for Faust so Javir and Enz could duo it. However Faust wasn't up and we all decided to log for the night. It turned into a nice day, finally completed my brown belt quest, got some gil, and got some points and sky pop items. I'll add pictures later, right now I'm going to sleep.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Saturday and Sunday
Sunday we again camped Behemoth in the morning to afternoon, I joined around the 2nd or 3rd window. King Behemoth popped in the last window, but we didn't get claim, it was Element (Purpose) who got it first, and then someone else got it (*correction*dont know who got it). After that I hurried to Safehold for the swift belt run Javir planned.
When I arrived to safehold I quickly changed jobs because I was one a tight schedule again this week. This week's run went much better then last week's swift belt run. We went 3/5 this time and the lucky people were Amenti, Sappy and I to get swift belts. Javir and Enz however didn't get the drop and Chan and Rece didn't get to pop the NMs. However, we decided that another run for Javir, Chan, Rece and Enz was needed for next Sunday. I believe Nyy wants to join too so we may add one more to the list of people who want swift belts. After swift belt run, Javir and I were late for CoP with ls static, so we set off to gear up/mule/job changes for the Tenzen fight. The Tenzen BC is kinda like snoll, but abit harder because he WSs alot! We failed the first try because he Ranged WS me for 1391... I was on ninja, and I believe we also didn't do enough damage fast enough. The second try I was on monk and we killed him. I was worried though because I was again hit with the Ranged WS this time for 1593 or something and was left with only 64 HP! Lucky though Khali got hate and I was cured in time. After the Tenzen fight we did 8-1 easily and I welcomed friends and fellow LS mates to sea! Next Sunday for CoP static is 8-2, but before that its swift belt run. No pictures on this post people because I didn't have fraps on the computer at home. Pictures though on next post!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Camping, Kirin, Camping, and LATE NIGHT BCNMing
It took some time setting up for Kirin, more time than the fight really. However, its mostly because members were still gathering to Kirin and we were going to kite Kirin until he summoned minis, and then TP burn him. When we were finally set, we popped him and started to kite him. It took a total of 25mins for him to summon all the minis. After the summoning, melees were added to tank party and we processed to burn him down. It was fun, and it was working! Around 70% he 2hr, 2 people died but the rest lived. During that part I thought we wiped but we lived! We killed him in 5mins. The drops though were all money drops, s.cloth and o.ingot. After Kirin nothing was planned, but members wanted to camp for Aspidochelone so we headed down to Valley of Sorrow because the window was open.
We didn't know when the window would open or close, but because of where the big turtle spawns, it was easy to get an estimate of when the window would open or close. We camped it for 2 or 3 windows and in the 3 window it popped, and again we didn't get claim. We got TOD though, so maybe on Friday we will camp it again. When the camping was over I was finally free to do some BCNM with friends.
We did "Under Observation" for PCC, I did 4 runs with 2 other ls mates from CK (Enz and Javir) the big money we got was from Ni, around 400k currently. Enz left after the 4th, and my friend from my social ls came (Deathdealer). We did 3 runs and again the big money we got was from Ni. It was getting late so we called it quits, but only for now. I'm planning next Thursday to do another PCC run, I want BIG money! No pictures in this post, well no pictures from Fraps because I dont have it on this computer. I'll report back later maybe on Saturday or Sunday, if not I'll do a post on Monday, anyways enjoy the weekend people.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Limbus started late because on Sun they did it late, we entered around 8pm PST. We entered SE with... I believe 15 people, and got a total of 50 coins so about 3 coins each. I now have a total of 11 coins, and half of a monk set. Materials that droped that night were bstx2, mnk, rng, whm, and blm. Today we have KB around 2pm PST, then after Kirin. I have to leave for home later so I'll update when I can, until then later.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Final Cutscenes, Rajas Ring, and Updates to Come


The team before entering into the last BC fight for CoP

The team... but Sdavtaker just cant seem to get close to us... I think he was shy!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Week Without Updates
Tuesday, nothing much happened. This was when the depression started because Rimmy didn't show for Assault/ToAU missions. Instead of missions and new Assault stuff, we farmed for points. After that I started to level my Drk to end the day.

Wednesday, was limbus but until then I continued leveling my Drk. When limbus time hit I gathered to Jeuno Port, but the turnout was low and later Soul said we weren't going because of the low turnout and because later that night would be camping Fafnir. I was pretty depressed so I took a break until Fafnir, and when it started in the end we didnt get claim. After camping Enz lucky asked if anyone wanted to do limbus. We gathered at Port and took off. We did limbus with 5 people, was 6 but we enaged before Nightsbane joined in... our fault. The night ended well though. A total of 18 coins droped, I got 4 and also a Monk material droped so I also got that.
Thursday, we were orginally going to do Jorm, but decided to sky farm and Fafnir... But the sky farming didn't happen so it was just Fafnir. We didn't get claim again. Ended the night leveling Drk solo.
Friday, was Fafnir again. So I didn't play, just solo Drk alittle. Later the night we camped Fafnir, but we didn't get claim again.
Saturday was sky farming, however, I had a real life matter to attend to so I missed most of the farming. Later on though at the end of farming I got back home and I joined in on the farming. Ulli was claimed by RMT, but Faust and MG popped so we started to head to MG to kill it. When we finished off MG though, Faust was claimed by another LS. We ened up only getting one NM. Later that day was Fafnir again, I think it was that day that Nidhogg popped, but we didn't get claim. After that camping it was DM event, but I was to tired to help out, however I believe they won with 27 secs left on the timer.
Sunday was CoP with ls static. Until I just farmed for chips for my CCB pump for the Airship battle. It took 4 hours to get all three chips, but it was right on time for the static to start. However, Ninya didn't show up, so we started to wait. After a hour or so, Typhus went into CK and asked the ls if anyone needed 6-4. Luckly Javir did, but he was camping Fafnir, so we waited awhile more. But when Fafnir was dead (we didn't get claim) Javir started to mule and head on over. I believe that was when Typhus decided to drop Ninya from the static... which was pretty sad but we can't get anywhere if he kept on doing that. When Javir finally arrived we explained the plan again to him and reviewed for us, then entered the BC. It went smoother than the last attempt, we ended up beating the Airship in 27mins and 15secs. Good job team Fubar! And welcome Javir, sorry Ninya... Tomorrow is CoP with qcdn group. I'll see you all later!
Monday, October 30, 2006
CoP Days
After the swift belt run it was time for my CoP static with ls mates. Like I said before it didn't go too well, but still a fun try. I believe the reason was because of me, I was a pld that time and hate was all over the place. I think nin would be better for it. We will see next time.
Monday was CoP with my qcdn group. We finished 8-2 which took 3 HOURS AND 45 MINS! God that was such a pain... I got 3k of limit points though because of it and almost to a 3rd merit. Next Monday I hope to finish CoP so I can do sea with my LS which is during the same time as this static. Tomorrow is Assault/ToAU missions, can't wait!
This is the group in action! We aggro'd so much we should have just killed everything...
This is a CS before 8-3, we will finish 8-3 and hopfully 8-4 next Monday.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Friday because my connection just got back on at 2pm PST I didn't do much. In fact I don't remember what I did because I was still pissed I missed Jorm.
Anyways Saturday was farming day in sky and we spent the whole time there at Ulli. And the bastard didn't pop... the same kind of bull shit we are used to, sometimes I think SE just hates us... Right now my Black Mage is at 35, almost to 36. I don't think I'll be leveling it to 75, just doesn't feel like a job for me. I'll try Red Mage, but I'm pretty sure I'll level that to 75 because I like to solo factor of the Red Mage. I may however level it to 60 just for the AF! Tomorrow is Swift belt run, and CoP static with ls mates, I'll report back later.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
ToAU Missions and Assault

Before we fought the NM fomor.
After we killed the NM fomor.
When Eulore got back, we did the BC fight. It was easy, and the CS was nice. Soul was the only one that got killed... he got one shoted by the NM boss! This is a picture of the CS after we beat the BC.
After the BC we were done with the missions for ToAU for today, and decided to start on doing Assault missions. We did four Assault runs again, all SP level so Rim and I can get the promotion quest for LC. The missions were fun, most involved killing stuff so I enjoyed it! We won three, but the last run we ran out of time... Next Tuesday we will get it and finish off SP. Tomorrow is Limbus, I hope to join in for my first run!
A pic of the Assault, us killing Trolls