Friday, November 10, 2006

Camping, Kirin, Camping, and LATE NIGHT BCNMing

Thursday I went home for the weekend because I have to attend some family events. But it was a busy day in FFXI land. Started off with King Behemoth camping, but the big guy didn't pop just Behemoth in the last window and we didn't get claim. Maybe next time we will get him, it was nice though because at least RMT didn't grab him. After Behemoth camping, it was to Kirin.

It took some time setting up for Kirin, more time than the fight really. However, its mostly because members were still gathering to Kirin and we were going to kite Kirin until he summoned minis, and then TP burn him. When we were finally set, we popped him and started to kite him. It took a total of 25mins for him to summon all the minis. After the summoning, melees were added to tank party and we processed to burn him down. It was fun, and it was working! Around 70% he 2hr, 2 people died but the rest lived. During that part I thought we wiped but we lived! We killed him in 5mins. The drops though were all money drops, s.cloth and o.ingot. After Kirin nothing was planned, but members wanted to camp for Aspidochelone so we headed down to Valley of Sorrow because the window was open.

We didn't know when the window would open or close, but because of where the big turtle spawns, it was easy to get an estimate of when the window would open or close. We camped it for 2 or 3 windows and in the 3 window it popped, and again we didn't get claim. We got TOD though, so maybe on Friday we will camp it again. When the camping was over I was finally free to do some BCNM with friends.

We did "Under Observation" for PCC, I did 4 runs with 2 other ls mates from CK (Enz and Javir) the big money we got was from Ni, around 400k currently. Enz left after the 4th, and my friend from my social ls came (Deathdealer). We did 3 runs and again the big money we got was from Ni. It was getting late so we called it quits, but only for now. I'm planning next Thursday to do another PCC run, I want BIG money! No pictures in this post, well no pictures from Fraps because I dont have it on this computer. I'll report back later maybe on Saturday or Sunday, if not I'll do a post on Monday, anyways enjoy the weekend people.

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