Monday, October 30, 2006

CoP Days

Sunday was a swift belt run and CoP static with ls mates. Both didn't go very well, but it was a fun try with both. The swiftbelt ran smoothly, just IT DIDN'T DROP! 0/6... Was fun though because we got to party with old CK people, Amenti and Sappy.

After the swift belt run it was time for my CoP static with ls mates. Like I said before it didn't go too well, but still a fun try. I believe the reason was because of me, I was a pld that time and hate was all over the place. I think nin would be better for it. We will see next time.

Monday was CoP with my qcdn group. We finished 8-2 which took 3 HOURS AND 45 MINS! God that was such a pain... I got 3k of limit points though because of it and almost to a 3rd merit. Next Monday I hope to finish CoP so I can do sea with my LS which is during the same time as this static. Tomorrow is Assault/ToAU missions, can't wait!

This is the group in action! We aggro'd so much we should have just killed everything...

This is a CS before 8-3, we will finish 8-3 and hopfully 8-4 next Monday.

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