Thursday was my usual schedule, Assault static and Sky farming. In Assault I thought we were going to do SM missions, but Galaika didn't get to complete the promotion quest so we did Nyle instead. It was my first run in Nyle and it was fast moving. We had to go through 4 floors to reach the boss, and each floor can be a different type of objective mission. Its all random to see which mission you get for a floor. I'm not exactly sure, but I believe we won 2 out of the 3 runs we did. I still need to do more runs to get the hang of it and understand the details, but it was fun. Sky was next but I had some personal stuff to do in real life before I could go up. Basically I didn't farm because it took much longer to take care of my business then I thought it would. But, I heard we got MG and Despot during the farm session, and when I joined for 40mins or so we got SC on bonus since sky farming was over.
Assault Nyle, Baby Fafnir died.

I be dead!
Friday I didn't do much, just level BST from 10 to 14, I plan on working on BST over the weekend to 20 so I can duo Wings of Fury.

Saturday was ToAU 35 with Hach's group. I helped him out with ToAU29 and 31 a week ago, so he invited me to do ToAU 35 with him and his friends. It was easy, but a few people died because Gessho was being a dick. However, looking back I believe the problem was our WHM resting when the RDM diaga the shadows to kite them. So the shadows attack the WHM because of resting, anyways we won, but could have easily wiped.

Sunday was suppose to be Dynamis but no one was on, except for a few people, but they switched off the LS. I can't say I'm surprised because we were having problems since two weeks ago. I'm probably moving to a more stable Dynamis LS, because I like to do some Dynamis instead of waiting and hoping next week would be better. I feel bad though because I've seen other members running with other LSs too. Tomorrow is Assault static, and I'll probably be farming for more money.
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