Sunday, August 19, 2007

Leveling WHM

These past three days I have been leveling WHM. Friday I got 3 levels to 45, and Saturday I got another 3 levels to 48. I hope to get another 2-3 levels to 50 or 51 today, and then stop to farm a bit to get some items I need for WHM. I've been trying to get the hang of my new job as WHM, but my technique needs some work. However I do have to admit it is fun and hard trying to balance out support and healing spells while thinking about MP management. Having control of how your pt does is enjoyable with thinking what to do next instead of my melee jobs where I just sit there and hit stuff.

Anyways once I reach 50 for WHM I'll be stopping to save up on gil and to level SMN to 37 as an option for sub. I've had a few pts where there was no refresher, and since at 50 subbing SMN I would have auto-refresh and the MP boost which would be great for me, I don't plan on leveling WHM until SMN is 37. I'm a bit short on gil right now, and I don't sell my stuff because I'm still using them for other jobs. But mostly the items I'm saving for I don't really needed, but me being a Elvaan the items would help me. Pictures later.

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