Friday, August 31, 2007
Special Report!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Assault and Sky Farming
Sky was after Assault, and it was farming instead of Kirin because we were short on WHMs. I was late as usual because of Assault so I missed some action at start. Overall though it was the basic farming stuff, but with more people then usual we had enough to form two groups for more farming. One group to camp SC and other to farm for water. We got SC and 2 waters that night which is pretty good. I also heard at the start of farming we got MG so a total of 4 pop items so far. To wrap sky up we started to camp Despot, but Zippy popped so we sent a group there. We wiped to Zippy though because of my foolishness. I wanted to tank it so I switch to my tanking setup, but I died pretty quickly because I couldn't get a shadow up. I should have kited at start, but my desire got the best of me. Anyways, I'll try to be more patience next time. But I still want to try and tank it.
Tomorrow I'll do some mini avatar quests for SMN and start leveling it to 37 over the weekend. Saturday though I got ToAU missions and I'll try to finish it off then to get some cool CS pictures and a niffy ring. Pictures when I log tonight.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Kirin x2 lol2Handed Weapons and ODS
Jussy dead! He didn't see the Stone V coming so he just stood there. =p
OMG Jussy dead again! But I just died too awhile ago so it was evened out.
Celvantes controled by Drac is dead!
Kill almost done.
After Kirin Khajit asked if anyone wanted to do ODS. I said yes because I wanted a chance to make some money. Its been awhile since I did a your orb your drops, and it was a nice chance of pace. However, I didn't get lucky with a money drop, but Khajit and Xal got some good money with their orbs. I did get a strap that I can use for my SAM later. Till next post.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday's Update, COR to 20, and Sky Farming
Soloing COR.
Monday night though I grew tired of leveling COR and decided to stop and take a break. I then warped to Whitegate and started to do all the CSs I could do for ToAU missions and stopped at 42, Path of Darkness because it was a fight. There were a bunch of people doing the CSs too though, and I probably could have asked them if they wanted to try and finish it. But I decided against it because I was getting sleepy. On Tuesday morning however, I got a msg from Hach asking if I would like to join up with him and his friend to finish ToAU. I said sure and this Saturday we are going to finish it up.
Tuesday was Sky farming, and we got to see a few new members in action. Some I have seen before in past parties and events I did. Sky started normally though, but with the update there was a change with Despot. If you kill the placeholder for Despot you get claim. When we arrived in Sky there was a RMT group was killing all the robots with BLMs. I have to admit I didn't see that one coming, well I did see it coming but hey, for some reason SE thinks its a good thing. With ToD of Despot known to us at the start now, we then decided to head to Nexus and get some Diorite for Ulli. We got 2 Diorite and we stayed there until Despot window reopened. I hope next farming we get more NMs; MG and SC are my main targets because I like to get a D.head and W.hands. Pictures to come later.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
KS30 and Leveling BRD to 20
When it reached the time for gathering for the KS30 run, I ran back to Sandy and took the airship to Jeuno. I realized when I got to Jeuno and was invited to the party that there were only four of us to do Contaminated Colosseum. I only did this KS a few times and that was with 6 people. It seemed easy because with a SMN and BLM in the party the malboro went down fast. With our current setup though, I knew it would be a tough fight. We went 2 NINs(Jussy and me), RNG(Aal), and WHM(Romm). The first orb we wiped at 20%, the problem was Jussy went down fast at the beginning with a combination of a sleep move and the AoE instant death move. Second orb I changed to RNG and Jussy tried to kite it instead of meleeing like last orb. This time we wiped at 50% because of the gravity effect from getting hit. Depressed and demoralized we racked our brains to see what went wrong and tried to make adjustments. Like I said before we saw that we died mostly because of a sleep move, gravity effect, and lack of dmg. So we brought poison pots and I changed back to NIN with evasion gear. We would try to melee it as we did with the first orb since it was brought down at 20% before wiping, but this time with poison sleep should have no effect. We won the third orb, with ease. The fourth orb again another win. With our new found success we decided to get orbs for a second round, and this time we won all 4 orbs. Overall we did 6/8, but during some of those orbs we did run into some trouble like: a dc, NINs dieing, or just one NIN dieing. However we did recover later and won in the end. The drops worth mentioning are the D.ingot, O,ingot, D.cloth, and Cassie Earring! We also got the vine for the brown belt quest for everyone who needed it. It was a good night with nice drops and great gil earned for us!
My gimpy RNG!
Woot, half the pt weakened and still we go on!
Aal died from his own poison...
Saturday I just leveled BRD from 17-20. I soloed while seeking and got 2 invites. One was a failed attempt to make a party, the other turned into a decent one. I plan to level COR a bit to 20, then work on SMN to 37. I'll add pictures when my lazy ass feels like it!
A GM visit when partying in Dunes.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Assault, Sky Killing, and Second Lieutenant!
After Assault was sky killing and we did minis today. We first went to Genbu to pop him once, the turnout was good with a few new members to Rawr. From Genbu the drops were W.feet, M.hands, G.head, and V.claw. Byakko was next and we did 2 of him, their was only one nin me and 2 plds so I didn't get to tank it much. But the drops were Byakko 1 was N.hands and Byakko 2 was N.hands and D.legs.
More Byakko.
Also I forgot to say I missed gods on Wednesday, but I heard the drops were good. Hopefully next week we will take some Kirins down and get good drops.
When sky was done I decided to get SL so I could get my new katana, Perdu Blade. I can't wait to try it out in a merit party. I'll upload pictures later.
Second Lieutenant!
Perdu Blade!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Leveling WHM and Assault
Today was Assault, and since Galaika couldn't make it we decided to farm for Baja's points and hunt for a Divisor ring. We did Lamia No.13 first, but we wiped the first time. Our fault again for not taking it seriously and for not having enough dmg to take it down quickly. Second try we changed to better suited jobs and won easily. The next two tags we did for Divisor ring, but we were unlucky again for we only got ??? box both times. Hopefully the ring will pop soon for us.I got a pt luckily this night from a person who I partied before with. The pt was good I got 2 levels to 51. Now I'll be farming and leveling SMN to 37.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Leveling WHM
Anyways once I reach 50 for WHM I'll be stopping to save up on gil and to level SMN to 37 as an option for sub. I've had a few pts where there was no refresher, and since at 50 subbing SMN I would have auto-refresh and the MP boost which would be great for me, I don't plan on leveling WHM until SMN is 37. I'm a bit short on gil right now, and I don't sell my stuff because I'm still using them for other jobs. But mostly the items I'm saving for I don't really needed, but me being a Elvaan the items would help me. Pictures later.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Almost to SL, Kirin Wipe, and 7 Merits Earned.
The plan was simple for Assault, finish of rank CS by doing the last 3 missions. We redid Egg Conservation and it was much easier then last time because we learned from our mistake. Then we did Deserter in were you have to disarm, not kill the enemy in order to win/get points. We only got 5-6 enemies to disarm, the rest we killed. The last mission was Operation: Snake Eyes, this mission would have been easy, but I put on my ls for Rawr on and was distracted talking to some people on there. It was my fault for being distracted so easily resulting in a loss for us. However, I make no excuse because I was a dumbass. I will however not lose a second time!
After Assault I was late for Kirin so I ran over to sky. It took awhile though for people to gather again and it looked like we had enough people to do Kirin again. However, it was not to be. We did pop Kirin, but we wiped during the last mini god (Byakko). It was a series of bad luck that cause our wipe. First was that during Suzaku, the bird killed 4-5 people in the pop alliance, which was like half of our melee in that alliance. Also when Byakko popped the pop alliance had people still weakened and Byakko was still on me. With Kirin and Byakko on me, they both did damage to me to bring me down to 128 HP. That was when Kirin also started to cast StonegaIV on me and bam I was dead! But it was no problem because their was another kiter, but then CFH was called on Kirin. At the same time people in the pop alliance were dieing. It was not our night. When Kirin depopped we got ourselves up and called it a night. Next time we will kill him and have our revenge.
I then took a little break before logging back in for a night merit party. I got an invite and processed to kill. It was not as good as my morning merit party but I got 2.5k bring me to 7 merits total earned for today. Even though there were some bad events today, I still had some good ones and overall I had a good time today. Tomorrow and during the weekend I'll try to level my WHM up; I may also level COR and BRD if I can't get a party for WHM.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Sky Farming Tuesday and Kirin Finally!
Today was suppose to be minis, but we got people on early on the ls which was a good sign that we may have more people then usual. There was talk about trying for Kirin instead of minis with more and more people logging on. From my knowledge we have not done Kirin in like 2 months. Ever since I join a couple months back no Kirin. It took awhile for people to log on and gather to sky. We also asked for a few members who were doing other things to see if the could come. Also Miya came again and a friend of Scwall came too. This would be my first Kirin with Rawr and my first time kiting him. I usually do the dmg, but I always wanted to kite it. The start was going good, I was keeping shadows up and keeping hate. However, it was taking forever for him to summon his first mini god. But then finally, after what seemed like 10mins he popped Genbu. I was kiting him pretty good considering I did not bring the right food with me. However, after Seiryu and Suzaka popped, I was binded in a bad spot right next to Kirin and he started to cast StonegaIV. I took it and lived with 50HP, however, he did a special move to me and I died. That would be my only death though, which was better than the rangers Aal and Scwall who died lots of times! Overall it was fun, reminded me of CK's early days when we kited it instead of the TPburn CK did later. It was also nice to do Kirin from a different perspective of kiting it, instead of as a damage dealer. Anyways, pictures later and tomorrow is Assault and maybe another Kirin.
Monday, August 13, 2007
COR and BRD to 15, Assault Chief Sergeant Missions
BRD to 15, did COR to 15 before this.
Killing NM NIN formor.
Marid Mission, kill or tame.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Treasure and Tribulations and Jelly Ring
4/6 out of this BC.
Today I was having trouble staying online. Every 30mins I would disconnect so I spend some time trying to find out what was wrong. Later in the evening though the disconnecting stopped so I decided to get my Jelly Ring finally for my tank set for ninja. It took 3 hours to pop him but the fight was easy. I just elemental wheeled him down. Tomorrow I'll probably just be leveling some low level jobs because the ACandy is gone and I don't feel like waiting 2 hours for people to decide there are other places to merit instead of ToAU.Jelly Ring!
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Crazy Sky Days and Assault SM Missions
Today was Assault and Sky again. In Assault Myrr and Nyo were not on so we did Azure Experiments for the ring we all want! However we only got the ??? box, which is trash! After beating Azure Experiments Myrr showed up, so then decided to do the other 2 SM missions so we could do the Cheif Sergeant promotion quest. The last two SM missions were Defuse the Threat and Lost and Found, both missions were extremely easy. Defuse the Threat you just running around to find and blow up 14 mines throughout the map. Lost and Found was basically a "Hot and Cold" game to find a ring with the help of a NPC. That mission was time consuming because you have to run around the map waiting for the NPC to give you hints to if you were close or not to the ring. But in the end we got both missions done easily enough.
Sky was after Assault and again we had trouble rounding up people. While waiting for people again we farmed a bit as Mdk said MG was up, so the people at sky already headed over there to kill it. When MG was down and we got the gem. We finally got enough people on to try and kill some minis. We decided to do Byakko x4 first so we all headed over there. Jussy and I were the tanks for all 4 Byakko fights and with a few close calls we survived the night without dieing. Tanking it was fun, I got hit on avg 100 dmg per hit. I did not take a SS of the dmg taken by Byakko without tanking food or my tanking setup, but it seemed to work then just using my HNM setup which is just emity+ equipment. Still though, my HNM setup and tanking setup for my NIN still needs work. But I hope in a few more weeks it will be complete, or close to complete. Drops for Byakko that I remember were: 2 N.hands, 2 A.heads, and 2 D.logs. Also, we went 3/4 on Byakko's Haidate! Congratulations everyone who got drops because it was a fun night!
On a special note we had a visit from Miya, the former leader of Rawr, who decided to stop in and say hi and then joined us on the kills this evening. Thanks for the help Miya. Also on a sad note, Otak decided to quit Rawr. With a new job offered to Otak it would be difficult for Otak to attend sky any more. I did not get to know you that well Otak since I'm new the Rawr but I will miss you because you were a blast to be with! I wish you all the luck with the new job because Graphics Art is a nice and fun job to have. I personally know how time consuming the job is, but I saw your work and it is awesome and I know you will do well! Hope you still keep playing for fun so I can say hi to you from time to time.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Leveling New Jobs, SM Missions, Sky Farming
Today I continued with leveling the new jobs to level 10, and then later on in the day would be sky farming. In sky we started off with a hunt for a diorite because some ls mates saw Despot die before our sky farming began. The turnout was good at start with more people coming in late and with ToD of Despot I had a good feeling farming would be a good tonight. Aal popped in earlier then expected since he said he had some personal business to take care of, but he wanted to use his diorite to pop Ulli for minis tomorrow. So half the people went to Ulli and the rested stayed at Nexus to camp for another diorite. After they popped Ulli and killed him Aal logged for the night and the other team went to Despot because the window was about to open. Just when window was about to open a diorite dropped. We loted fast and then ran to Despot to help out the other team. However they said that the other ls that was there left so we were left alone at Despot. We got claim easily and after we took him down we headed to Faust since he popped before Despot. Setting up for Faust was hard because we got a few deaths while waiting for people to get into position. We also had lack of mage power so we had to fight him slowly. There were a few close calls but in the end we killed him. To finish off the night we went up to Ulli to popped him again. Not a bad day for sky farming, tomorrow I think we are doing minis. Pictures later.