Lots of stuff has happened when I last posted. I guess I'll start with what my ls has been doing for the past week. Which was camping fafnir. From Wed to today we camped it and we could not get claim, which is depressing but I know one day we will. We just have to keep trying and keep up the hard work we all have been doing.

Thursday we did mini-gods. We did 1Byakko, 1Genbu, 2Seiryu, 1Suzaku. From Byakko I tried to lot on E.feet, but they didnt drop. From Genbu I lotted Genbu's Kabuto which I got. Both Seiryu I tried to lot D.head and Seiryu's sword. First try, either droped then the second pop the sword droped. Suzaku, I lotted N.hands and they droped. It was a productive day for me. My list of stuff I want in sky are now: Seiryu's kote, D.head, E.feet, and Kirin's Osode. I'm also interested in N.body. But I'll decide if I want it or not later.
Saturday was a swift belt run from QCDN.org, and it went pretty well. I believe we went 6/11 or 7/11. However, I was one of the unlucky ones that didn't get the swift belt to drop. But I guess its natural, I'm never a lucky one. My friend however Deathdealer got his swift belt after 13 tries or something, so Congratulations to him!
Today was camping fafnir again. We didnt get claim... after that was Dynamis-Beaucedine. I'm main lotting Ninja in Northlands because its more useful than Monk AF2 there. However no ninja AF2 droped tonight. I did get Warrior AF2 legs, which is good for my collection and it adds +5 str so it could be useful swaping gear for WSs. We also got a Black Mage AF2... which a pld got because the BLMs didnt main lot it, but its ok cause his Black Mage is 70+ or he would not have been able to lot it. CoP was postponed because Ninya is still having trouble getting online. Tue I have Assault and Wed is Dynamis again. I'll add pictures later once I log off my PC, right now I'm typing this up on my notebook.
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