Hello! Wednesday and Thursday were fun days for HNM camping. Wednesday we camped Fafnir again right after the restart because of the update of the servers. We missed claim but the ls that got Fafnir claimed flies as well so they called for help and escaped/wiped. We waited for Fafnir to turn white, and when he did we got him. When we finished him an E.hand and Talon droped. It was fun because I got to tank it! Pictures to come later. After the Fafnir kill I seeked and finished the night in a merit party, I got 1 merit out of it.

Thursday, we were to kill Jorm, but because of the restart he wasn't up. So we tried Fafnir again, but I didn't get to camp it because I was driving home. I heard he poped first window. Behemoth was next, so I came running down there. I saw him appear on my radar and I should have claimed him! But my stuipd butter fingers pressed F8 and my voke macro at the same time doing nothing... So I left a 2 second delay for someone else to get him.
After Behemoth we went to Valley for Sorrow for the turtle. Again I saw him pop but I was recasting sneak... but luckly Nomar was there and he provoked first, a second later I pulled him in. It was the NQ so we killed it fast. Not a bad couple of days for HNM camping, still no black belt items though for me, hopefully soon. After the HNM camping I did some merit with ls mates and got 2 merits! 3 more until I cap Warrior Group 1 and start on leveling my sub jobs for my next job to 75.

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