Sunday Dynamis was canceled again... was depressed about that, but because of that CoP started early so the team gather and as we started to enter the BC... I couldn't enter! I missed a CS! I was about to kill myself so I warped myself to Windy. Running around waters to walls to finish the CSs I began to reflect on how much of an idiot I was... Finally getting the CSs, I travel back we did the Mithra BC, which was an easy fight. Next Sunday is Moblins BC.
Monday wasn't a busy day and I didn't feel like doing anything. But there was a call to camp Fafnir so I came running. After two hours of camping and no pop, I get a /tell reminding me I made a promise to help with a BC fight for CoP. So after the 4th window I left to gear up. But when I was picking up gear I heard Fafnir popped and Purpose claimed. After I geared up I did the Moblins BC and finished the second path. One more to go, the Snoll fight.
Today, Tuesday we again camped Fafnir, but we missed claim. It popped this time during the second window and Perseverance got it. We also almost MPKed them because Daodao linked some flies on top of them... that was bad, but we cleared it up and explained it was not on purpose.
After that I did some Assault with Aeron and Soul's Assault static. I finally got PFC, this is a picture of 1 of 4 Assault runs we did.
Now that I'm PFC I was able to advance more into ToAU missions. Some pictures of CSs.

This is a picture in Alzadaal Undersea Ruins. The zone is beautiful, and the CS was nice.

Doh... looks like I can't add more pictures, maybe ran out of room. Next time more pictures! Tomorrow is Fafnir again, maybe dynamis... but I think its canceled again. Thursday minis.