I got RNG to level 73 yesterday and I'm 13,000 to 74 right now. I hope to get 75 on ranger soon around next week or so making that my 4th 75 job. Tonight I did Limbus the North Tower and I got 3 coins out of it. I now have a total of 36 coins and I hope to get a brutal earring in a month or so. I'm running low on cash again so I'll be farming and NM camping again. Tomorrow is Fafnir because we will be short on people for Jorm or maybe some other HNM. On Friday is Dynamis at Jeuno I believe and Saturday is farming at sky.

The CK website has been going through some sort of upgrade so its been down for a bit, but its up right now probably going down again soon. I'll see you all later, and as you all may have seen I still haven't posted pictures since I been pretty lazy with it. Mayber later tonight I'll post the pictures. Till next update.
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