Sunday, January 28, 2007

Late Night Merits, Ulli Again

Late night on Thursday I was too excited with Kirin next Thursday that I couldn't sleep so I got a late night merit party, which ended up with 3 merits for me putting my total to 199. I passed out when the party ended.

Friday because of the merit party last night I didn't play much cause I woke up in the afternoon, and I was busy with the baby mostly. Also when the baby was gone I overslept again during my nap and missed Dynamis... I was pissed about that because I wanted to try my luck on lotting for a 100coin.

Saturday I had a doctor's appointment so I missed half of sky farming. When I did log on, I headed over to Ulli to help with camping. After about a hour and a half he popped and we got claim! That's another Ulli for us and 2 more Kirins. After farming Rimmy setup a KS99 which turned out pretty nice. We killed the Behemoth version in KS99 twice, but we only got to open 1 of the chests out of the 2 runs because we ran out of time. It sucked because the first run we killed him but right when we did about 5 seconds later we were kicked out. The second run we killed him and it was smoother, but the drops were crap.

Sunday I got limbus, and tomorrow sea. Report back later.

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