CS before the BC for ToAU 23.
BC for ToAU 23.
Limbus with the CK gang!
This blog is about my journey in Final Fantasy XI on server Quetzalcoatl.
CS before the BC for ToAU 23.
BC for ToAU 23.
Limbus with the CK gang!
After, the wipe at Jailer of Justice, we decided to pop Ix'Aern (MNK) x2. Those two fights went smoother because the LS killed them before. The cape didn't drop on either of the fights, but the deed did on both. After Ix'Aern (MNK), sea farming was called for the night. Tomorrow is a free day so I'll probably work on DRK, until next post everyone. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Byakko! Drops sucked no B.haidate...
Second time we burned Kirin down with TP! This one took 15mins
Drops: S.cloth, Osode(first one in the last 11 Kirins)[Pauge], and N.body[Zylia]
Friday was Dynamis with Limitless, it was Jeuno so it went by fast. They kill so fast in fact that we had like 2 hours of farming time left. It was a fun night overall, but the only depressing thing was that MNK AF2 gloves dropped. No one wanted them or was lotting for them so Kisada ask if anyone wanted them, I was too slow and it auto-dropped. That depressed me, but I lived this long without them, and I'm sure I will get one sooner or later.
Saturday was sky farming, we killed BB two times, and thats when we decided to kill Seiryu two times because we had a good sky farming turnout and we had the pop sets with us. The first Seriyu droped 2 a.legs, and the second Seriyu drop s.kote. After the Seriyu(s) Faust popped! Javir tried to solo, but died! So we ran over there and killed him. We now have a Suzaku x2 and Seriyu x1 pop sets. After farming, it was the Bahamnut BC fight, the quest known as "Storms of Fate." The BC is easy, the first group killed it and we weren't expecting much danger this run. The hardest part was gather the people, but when we got them we headed over the kill him and did in 12 mins or so. Congratulations guys!
Today, Sunday I didn't play much in the morning or afternoon. I feel bad because I was to help with a swift belt with friends, but my brother needed help with painting of the baby's room so I couldn't go. But I heard they went 5/5 so Congratulations Enz, Chan, Rece, Javir and Kyr(correction)! I also missed Limbus, but when I logged on it looked like members were happy so it must have went well. Right now, I'm doing Assault with Enz, Rig, Wyle, Rim and Soul. Pictures to come later.
Pau, Preist, and Enz went ahead to Ulli, and I decided to turn in my brown belt items first and Javir was still gathering gear. By the time Javir and I reached Ulli it had already popped and was claimed by a Japanese LS. They pretty muched owned it, so we decided to camp for SC. A strange thing happened though, as Pau pulled a detector from the basement, SC popped from it. We were all suprised and started to feel lucky. It was a fun fight because Enz was checking for a Curtana, so we were fighting with four for alittle bit. When Enz finally got there it was about half way dead. The fight was pretty easy, after the stone droped we escaped and headed to water. Again something strange happened... water droped from the first pot we killed. It was right then we knew it was a lucky night. After killing a few more pots we decided to pop Olla, the fight was fun, and much easier than I thought. After we killed Olla, we continued farming for water. After 30mins or so Enz says he needs to go soon and as luck would have it another water droped. We decided to kill Olla again and once we finished off the second Olla before we all log of the night we headed for Faust so Javir and Enz could duo it. However Faust wasn't up and we all decided to log for the night. It turned into a nice day, finally completed my brown belt quest, got some gil, and got some points and sky pop items. I'll add pictures later, right now I'm going to sleep.
The team before entering into the last BC fight for CoP
The team... but Sdavtaker just cant seem to get close to us... I think he was shy!
Wednesday, was limbus but until then I continued leveling my Drk. When limbus time hit I gathered to Jeuno Port, but the turnout was low and later Soul said we weren't going because of the low turnout and because later that night would be camping Fafnir. I was pretty depressed so I took a break until Fafnir, and when it started in the end we didnt get claim. After camping Enz lucky asked if anyone wanted to do limbus. We gathered at Port and took off. We did limbus with 5 people, was 6 but we enaged before Nightsbane joined in... our fault. The night ended well though. A total of 18 coins droped, I got 4 and also a Monk material droped so I also got that.
Thursday, we were orginally going to do Jorm, but decided to sky farm and Fafnir... But the sky farming didn't happen so it was just Fafnir. We didn't get claim again. Ended the night leveling Drk solo.
Friday, was Fafnir again. So I didn't play, just solo Drk alittle. Later the night we camped Fafnir, but we didn't get claim again.
Saturday was sky farming, however, I had a real life matter to attend to so I missed most of the farming. Later on though at the end of farming I got back home and I joined in on the farming. Ulli was claimed by RMT, but Faust and MG popped so we started to head to MG to kill it. When we finished off MG though, Faust was claimed by another LS. We ened up only getting one NM. Later that day was Fafnir again, I think it was that day that Nidhogg popped, but we didn't get claim. After that camping it was DM event, but I was to tired to help out, however I believe they won with 27 secs left on the timer.
Sunday was CoP with ls static. Until I just farmed for chips for my CCB pump for the Airship battle. It took 4 hours to get all three chips, but it was right on time for the static to start. However, Ninya didn't show up, so we started to wait. After a hour or so, Typhus went into CK and asked the ls if anyone needed 6-4. Luckly Javir did, but he was camping Fafnir, so we waited awhile more. But when Fafnir was dead (we didn't get claim) Javir started to mule and head on over. I believe that was when Typhus decided to drop Ninya from the static... which was pretty sad but we can't get anywhere if he kept on doing that. When Javir finally arrived we explained the plan again to him and reviewed for us, then entered the BC. It went smoother than the last attempt, we ended up beating the Airship in 27mins and 15secs. Good job team Fubar! And welcome Javir, sorry Ninya... Tomorrow is CoP with qcdn group. I'll see you all later!
Job Levels:
Rise of the Zilart - Complete (06/2006)Chains of Promathia - Complete (11/2006)Treasures of Aht Urhgan - Complete (09/2007)Assault Captin 50/50 - Complete (10/2007)Divine Might - Complete (04/2006)Storms of Fate - Complete (12/2006)Apocalypse Nigh - Complete (07/2007)Warrior 75 (09/2006)Monk 75 (02/2006)White Mage 75 (10/2007)Red Mage 75 (06/2010)Paladin 75 (08/2008)Ranger 75 (01/2007)Ninja 75 (05/2006)Title - "World Serpent Slayer" (01/2007)Title - "Tiamat Trouncer" (02/2008)Title - "Fafnir Slayer" (10/2006)Title - "Nidhogg Slayer" (02/2009)Title - "Tortoise Torturer" (10/2006)Title - "Aspidochelone Sinker" (11/2008)Title - "Behemoth's Bane" (11/2008)Title - "Vinegar Evaporator" (09/2008)Title - "Ixion Hornbreaker" (06/2008)Title - "Lambton Worm Desegmenter" (07/2008)Title - "Dynamis-Xarcabard Interloper" (12/2006)Full Monk AF2 - 5/5 (11/2008)Full Ninja AF2 - 5/5 (08/2010)Full Warrior AF2 - 5/5 (5/2008)Full Ranger AF2 - 5/5 (02/2008)Full White Mage AF2 - 5/5 (01/2009)Full Palidin AF2 - 5/5 (02/2009)