Saturday morning I did a Silver run with Blabj's group. Was fun but we waited a bit because only 5 of the 12 people showed up. 2 people I heard transfered out of the server. Anyways, after that I logged off to start on the new Harry Potter Book.
Silver run, was pretty easy now with the update they did with CoP.
Sunday morning I did Apocalypse Nigh with Blabj's group, we did 4 tries and on the fourth we finally won. We basically killed the kid first really fast and wiped south and kill the guy. The fight was fun, but doing it 4 times was discoraging. However, through preserves and hard work we won in the end.

CS before the fight.
After AN I did Dynamis-Beaucedine in the afternoon. It has been a few months since I did it and nothing much has changed, only 1 AF2 droped and only like 1/4 of the money droped covers the 1m to enter the area. Still was fun with only 26 people or so. After that I logged to finish Book 7 of Harry Potter... >.>

I was getting touched...
Monday was a bit busy. At noon I had just logged on and I saw Doth shout for ToAU 29 and I said sure. Unable to find anyone else we decided to duo. First try we got it at 8% but knew we needed help because he spams his special move that goes throw shadows at 20%. However, Doth was able to get someone from his LS who needed it and decided to help us. Nicholette arrived on BLU and we entered in and tried again. This try he was going down faster, but I was unable to keep hate on me and we wiped on 25%. Third try Nicholette changed to BLM and we entered again. This run was much better and won the fight. We were going to try for 30 and 31 missions, but I had Assault so I had to say no.

Third times the charm, won this time.
Assault we did 2 Corporal missions, and one repeat for farming. After the runs I was able to get the Sergeant promotion quest. The missions we did were Building Bridges and Searat Salvation x2. Building Bridges was just running around and hitting switches while not getting captured. Building Bridges was an Escort mission. The farming was Lamia No.13, the one where I just watch. I did not fight anything, however, Skaw got to kill Myrrh... o.O Pictures later.

We got lost alittle.