Last weekend was Dynamis at Beaucedine with Perseverance on Saturday. It was my first Dynamis with them and it went well. We mostly farmed for coins and attestations, drops were a 100coin and 2 AF RNG and RDM. I got RNG AF on free lot since I was able to use it and everyone who had a 75 RNG got it already. After Dynamis was Salvage and we tried the Arrapago Remnants boss. Dragod did some planning and decided our route. All was going well until we reached the last floor with gears. I was careless and aggro'd and died to a few gears, this lose lots of time for us that should have been used on the boss. Anyways, my death caused a small wipe and we didn't have enough time left to try the boss. I did however get Hoshikazu Hachimaki the level 15 piece for Usukane head. Sunday was Salvage again and we tried Bhaflau Remnants boss. This run was better this time out and we reached the boss. The first was hard though and unfortunately we wiped at 50%. We lacked MP and couldn't keep the monks alive. We did another run after the boss just for farming but with 6 people we couldn't do much.
Monday was nothing but lots of farming for gil and rebuilding a buff on WHM.
Tuesday was another Dynamis with Perseverance at Xarcabard and we got 2NIN, DRG, and RNG. I got the RNG AF again since no one wanted and I could use and with that it got me my first 5/5 on AF2. We also had the numbers to try DL and killed him with 30mins left for farming. DL dropped the mantle and a 100coin. I also got to help out on Tiamat with Perseverance because they were able to get claim late that night. When I say late I mean really late. They got claim with 6 people and Bj was playing 2 or 3 characters... We were trying to kill for 3 hours or so but we were basically stalling until more Perseverance members would log on to help. Overall I believe it took 4 to 5 hours total to kill. Still it was fun for my first Tiamat, lots of excitement. I can't post pictures for Tiamat until I do editing, time stamps and all.Wednesday was Limbus first and we did two zones both in Temenos. Both teams did well and won and the split was 4 coins each. I just need 1 more coin for my earring. After Limbus was farming at Sky and it was good. We got MG, SC, and Faust. Minis are coming soon and I hope we get some good drops. After Sky farming I went to try for Selene's Bow again and this time I would get the bow! Needless to say I was happy with me going 1/35 on those two wabbits... Can't wait to tryout my new bow.
Thursday was Assault with the old static again and we just did points/item runs. After that was Sky, but my baby niece came for a surprise visit so I just logged and played with her. After my niece left I decided to level my PLD and got 64 that night.
Friday was was farming for a bit and leveling PLD. I got 65 that afternoon and would have gotten 66 but my party was falling asleep so we disbanded with 4k tnl for me. No matter though since it was a great party. If all goes well with invites and parties I should get 70 by the end of next week. I'll do pictures later, until next post.
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