Monday, March 17, 2008

The Week of Updates

This was the week SE would update for new content and other updates with existing content. If you've been playing FFXI long enough you would know that SE doesn't just do one maintenance, but several of them since its always the case that they will need to fix things not updated right. I mean usually you would think that a company that is in the gaming business would test their updates before updating it on live servers. I mean hell its a common practice for programing, or at least I would hope it is by now. But I know how some people may respond to that, people are not perfect and mistakes happen. However, having an average of 4-6 emergency maintenance after the official maintenance is a bit much, and yes 4-6 is me being nice to them since some updates the emergency maintenance after the official one go much higher than 6. Anyways, enough of the complaining and to my week.

Monday was just farming like always, I need lots of money for upgrades, items, and other stuff.

Tuesday, Tiamat was up so I helped a bit with kiting adds, but I mostly watched as Tiamat go down to Perseverance. After Tiamat it was Dynamis Bastok and it was a clearing of the zone, well almost cleared as some mobs were still left. But we did get a lot of AF that run, around 12-16 as I forgot how many actually dropped. I also got my first PLD AF2 on free lot.

Wednesday was an emergency maintenance and I helped Perseverance camp Fafnir after the maintenance was done. Unfortunately we didn't get claim so I went back to farming after Fafnir was downed. In the middle of farming I completely forgot I had Limbus so I missed it. That evening I did Kirin x2 with Rawr and we got 2 w.legs total, 1 from each Kirin. Congratulations to Gali and Aal who got them.

Thursday I helped Perseverance camp the turtle this time and we got claim on this one, but it was the NQ so drops were not that special. After that it was Assault but only 3 of us were on, but Nyo and Skaw were helpful in getting me points for Salvage. Sky farming was after and we got SC, Zippy, and Faust that evening.

Friday I helped Perseverance camp the turtle again but we didn't get claim, I dc'd on the last window which to say the least made me angry. I was more angry when I saw the HQ popped and I missed claim as another LS got it. After that I joined Perseverance to do 5 runs of The Wyrmking Descends the Bahamut v2 fight. This time they would try to zerg it and I helped in 3 runs. Each run was fast around 30-45 seconds for the fight. I had fun as it was my first time and they got some good drops.

Saturday I didn't play as I had other things to do, an appointment and spending time with my niece.

Sunday was Limbus and we did Ultima which was my first time. It was fun as things were going good with us getting it to 23% in 20mins, but that last 23% would be hell as in 10mins we brought it to 1% and wiped. Can't say we were happy, but it was a good run just some careless mistakes cost us in the end. We will do better next time. Later was Salvage and we did the Silver Sea Boss and won! It was our first Boss win and it was exciting. The lvl 25 Usukane feet dropped but I lost lot, but congratulations to Dental and Typ on the drops.

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