This week we got our first 3 Sandworm and also another week of Ixion to ourselves.
Monday nothing happened as it was a server maintenance.
Tuesday was our first Sandworm and it was the KA version. Also from what I understand we lost as we ran out of time with the smn crabs spam healing KA. Still it was a good try for our first attempt. After that it was Ixion and yeah we killed and stuff dropped. Then finally it was Dynamis Tavnazia, which was a better run then our first attempt and we got some nice drops.

Wednesday was our second Sandworm and we got the HQ version this time. My network crashed and I missed the ending of it but from what I heard they killed and got some nice stuff. After that it was Ixion again and you know what happened. I had to miss Salvage I believe because I had company over.

Thursday was Einherjar and again it was a bad run. Same thing basically that went wrong last run happened here, a combination of stuff, lack of coming prepared, a bad mob set and boss, and performance was lacking. After it was Ixion and yeah we killed and stuff dropped.

Friday was just Ixion and you all should know by now what happened as we practically have this down as a science now.

Saturday was Dynamis Windy and it was excitement and a decent run overall. After that it was Salvage and it was a good Boss run. Then finally it was Ixion again.

Sunday it was another good Salvage run and after that it was Ixion.

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