This week the ls got a couple Ixion as well as a couple of Cerberus, and now on to what happened that week.
Monday was Einherjar tier 3 and we won this time. That was the last chamber we needed to fight Odin. I believe we will attempt Odin next Monday, cant wait.

Tuesday was Cerberus first, it was close as Integral was about to stall Cerberus. Fortunately we were able to claim first and hold until more help got there. No sword drop, only materials. After that it was Dynamis Sandy and it was the usually, several AF and lots of Orcs. We did wipe a few times but whatever, it happens.

Wednesday I have no idea what happen, I believe it was salvage but it most have been boring if I don't remember it...
Thursday was Einherjar a tier 2 for those few who don't have it for access to Odin. It was an easy win and we are now all set for Odin on next Monday. After that it was Cerberus again and same drops as last time.

Friday was Ixion and after that it was Wyvmking.
Saturday was Dynamis - Xarcabard and it was a pretty smooth run, except for the wipe at the second pull. Drops though weren't that good, but oh well. After that it was Ixion, but I did Salvage instead and it was a good farming run for lvl 35 pieces.

Sunday was Sea Fortitude and Faith and this time both dropped torques. After that it was again Ixion, however, I could only camp for 2hours as Salvage approached again. The ls got Ixion though, but in Salvage we ran out of time on the Boss in SS remnant. The last NM took longer to kill taking away 5-8 mins as well as items needed for the Boss. Oh well, next time.

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