Tuesday farmed a bit in Sky, got a Diorite and Faust that night. I'm not sure if we got anything else but it was an average night for farming.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Week with a Jedi, Trouble Incoming
Tuesday farmed a bit in Sky, got a Diorite and Faust that night. I'm not sure if we got anything else but it was an average night for farming.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Full Recruit
Monday was the same as always, gil farming for me to meet some of my equipment upgrade goals. But that was hard on that day since there was an emergency maintenance again, and didn't get as much gil I usually do on Mondays.
Tuesday I farmed a bit more in the morning since I didn't get my weekly quota I usually finish on Monday. After that it was Dynamis Xarcabard and it was kinda rough but we did get another RDM hat.
Wednesday was a Limbus split run Temenos and Apollyon, both runs were successful and we got 4 coins each with us closer to a Omega and Ultima set. After Limbus it was suppose to be Kirin, but we were low on numbers so we did farming instead. I only stayed for an 1 hour or so since I got a surprise visit from my baby niece again.
Thursday was Nyzul and we did floor advancement to floor 60. Next week we hope to do the bosses, but that will be the first we attempt the ToAU HNM versions in Nyzul. After that I decided not to head up in Sky since I was extremely late. We did all 5 tags in assault so I just logged after that.
Friday it was a free day in Perseverance with it being Good Friday. I did do a Salvage run with my group for Dental's u.boots but no luck on drop.
Saturday morning was Dynamis Beaucedine and we got 4 AF (whm, nin, rng, brd), a 100 coin, 2 Attestation for Tofu, and the win that someone needed. That run was fun and productive so it was a good starter for the day. After that we tried for Dental's boots again in Salvage but it wasn't as good as yesterday's run as we wiped to the frog. I have to admit it was depressing and brought a bad note to the day, but I can't blame anyone one person as I made mistakes too. Overall the team effort could have been better as we did kill it yesterday. Anyways, its behind us and we learned from it.
Sunday I missed Limbus Omega because of the Easter egg hunt I had to help out with as my sister flaked out on her duties. So I spend some of the morning and most of the noon making and decorating eggs. I also helped out my niece on the hunt, but lost the grand prize as another kid got 2 more eggs then her. Still she is only 1, and next year we will win it! After the hunt I was free and did Salvage with the group. We did farming in the same zone but focused on getting as many NMs as we could. I ended up with u.legs on free lot, but I wanted the u.head from the first floor NM on Silver Sea Rem., but it didn't drop. The run was nice though as we did 3 NM on 3 floors with 2 drops. It could have been 4 NM but we wiped on floor 2 so we lost 10-13 mins.
Monday, March 17, 2008
The Week of Updates
Monday was just farming like always, I need lots of money for upgrades, items, and other stuff.
Tuesday, Tiamat was up so I helped a bit with kiting adds, but I mostly watched as Tiamat go down to Perseverance. After Tiamat it was Dynamis Bastok and it was a clearing of the zone, well almost cleared as some mobs were still left. But we did get a lot of AF that run, around 12-16 as I forgot how many actually dropped. I also got my first PLD AF2 on free lot.
Wednesday was an emergency maintenance and I helped Perseverance camp Fafnir after the maintenance was done. Unfortunately we didn't get claim so I went back to farming after Fafnir was downed. In the middle of farming I completely forgot I had Limbus so I missed it. That evening I did Kirin x2 with Rawr and we got 2 w.legs total, 1 from each Kirin. Congratulations to Gali and Aal who got them.
Thursday I helped Perseverance camp the turtle this time and we got claim on this one, but it was the NQ so drops were not that special. After that it was Assault but only 3 of us were on, but Nyo and Skaw were helpful in getting me points for Salvage. Sky farming was after and we got SC, Zippy, and Faust that evening.
Friday I helped Perseverance camp the turtle again but we didn't get claim, I dc'd on the last window which to say the least made me angry. I was more angry when I saw the HQ popped and I missed claim as another LS got it. After that I joined Perseverance to do 5 runs of The Wyrmking Descends the Bahamut v2 fight. This time they would try to zerg it and I helped in 3 runs. Each run was fast around 30-45 seconds for the fight. I had fun as it was my first time and they got some good drops.
Saturday I didn't play as I had other things to do, an appointment and spending time with my niece.
Sunday was Limbus and we did Ultima which was my first time. It was fun as things were going good with us getting it to 23% in 20mins, but that last 23% would be hell as in 10mins we brought it to 1% and wiped. Can't say we were happy, but it was a good run just some careless mistakes cost us in the end. We will do better next time. Later was Salvage and we did the Silver Sea Boss and won! It was our first Boss win and it was exciting. The lvl 25 Usukane feet dropped but I lost lot, but congratulations to Dental and Typ on the drops.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Stuff for the Week!
Starting from the weekend of March 1 and 2, Saturday was Dynamis at Xarcabard with Perseverance. They did DL and killed it again, after that it was more farming and I forgot what AF dropped but it like was 4 AF. After that it was Salvage, but I forgot all about it and missed it. At night I tried to get a party for my PLD but got into a really bad party so I just got a few thousand exp points and left.
Sunday was Limbus and we did Omega. It was a better run with us farming until the last minute. However we did loss a drop because Celv's inv was full... To say the least it was depressing. After that it was Salvage and we just farmed and got 2 drops.
Monday is usually my farming day, I usually try to get 300k+ on that day and I did which made my day.
Tuesday was Dynamis at Jeuno with Perseverance again. We had 20 at start so it was a little rough at first, but it picked up as more people showed. They got several AF, but I didn't lot anything. After that I seeked on PLD and got 67 and half way to 68 from a nice party.Wednesday was Limbus and we did a dual run in Apollyon and Temenos. I was in the Apollyon team and unfortunately no NIN again. But we did win the zone with 6 people and got enough coins now for that earring I want for my WHM. After Limbus was Byakko x5 and I went NIN/DRK to try it out. It was fun, but it takes some getting used to with the casting time on bind and sleep. Still it was a nice new experience for me.
Thursday was Assault and I could only do 2 tags because I wanted to get to Seriyu x3 early since I was up for D.head. Those 2 tags though gave us 2 drops of Nyzul pants, forgot which ones but congratulations to Nyo and Baja for getting them. After Assault it was Sky and we did Seriyu x3 and Suzuy x1 since people got Faust before minis that day. On that day I was lucky enough to get d.head and w.hands! I pretty much got what I want from minis now. But with my PLD coming up I may want m.head and maybe m.hands. From Kirin I still like a w.legs.
Friday I leveled PLD and got to 70 on it. I was very lucky and got a nice JP party out of it. I couldn't understand them but I guess they were surprised that a NA PLD can be pretty good. I was happy with some of the comments and /em they gave me which I could tell was friendly. From that 3 hour party I got 50k which was nice and pushed me to my goal of getting 70 on PLD by the end of that week.
Saturday was Dynamis Xarcabard again and it was a nice day for RDM with two hats dropping. We didn't have enough for DL so we farmed and on that day we got their usually with 2 DRG, 1 RNG, and 1 THF. Add the 2 RDM and they got 7 AF that day which was a good day. After that it was Salvage farming and I played MNK. It was the first time and it was a nice change of pace.
Sunday was Limbus and we did Temenos x2 and won both zones again. I hope we do Apollyon on Wednesday and get a NIN item to drop. After that I farmed a bit before Salvage and we attempt the Boss. Unfortunately it was a bad day, teamwork was out the window and you could feel the depressed mood with 12 mins left and we didn't even enter into the Boss floor. We did get 5 drops, but still depressed with us either can't beat a Boss or reach the Boss floor. I do believe we will win one, its just the question of getting a full roster of people with the right jobs to do it with. I mean some people have poor attendance and they can still lot stuff. 7-9 people come regularly, but we are missing 1 or 2 right jobs needed for Boss fights.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Last Weekend, This Week
Last weekend was Dynamis at Beaucedine with Perseverance on Saturday. It was my first Dynamis with them and it went well. We mostly farmed for coins and attestations, drops were a 100coin and 2 AF RNG and RDM. I got RNG AF on free lot since I was able to use it and everyone who had a 75 RNG got it already. After Dynamis was Salvage and we tried the Arrapago Remnants boss. Dragod did some planning and decided our route. All was going well until we reached the last floor with gears. I was careless and aggro'd and died to a few gears, this lose lots of time for us that should have been used on the boss. Anyways, my death caused a small wipe and we didn't have enough time left to try the boss. I did however get Hoshikazu Hachimaki the level 15 piece for Usukane head. Sunday was Salvage again and we tried Bhaflau Remnants boss. This run was better this time out and we reached the boss. The first was hard though and unfortunately we wiped at 50%. We lacked MP and couldn't keep the monks alive. We did another run after the boss just for farming but with 6 people we couldn't do much.
Monday was nothing but lots of farming for gil and rebuilding a buff on WHM.
Tuesday was another Dynamis with Perseverance at Xarcabard and we got 2NIN, DRG, and RNG. I got the RNG AF again since no one wanted and I could use and with that it got me my first 5/5 on AF2. We also had the numbers to try DL and killed him with 30mins left for farming. DL dropped the mantle and a 100coin. I also got to help out on Tiamat with Perseverance because they were able to get claim late that night. When I say late I mean really late. They got claim with 6 people and Bj was playing 2 or 3 characters... We were trying to kill for 3 hours or so but we were basically stalling until more Perseverance members would log on to help. Overall I believe it took 4 to 5 hours total to kill. Still it was fun for my first Tiamat, lots of excitement. I can't post pictures for Tiamat until I do editing, time stamps and all.Wednesday was Limbus first and we did two zones both in Temenos. Both teams did well and won and the split was 4 coins each. I just need 1 more coin for my earring. After Limbus was farming at Sky and it was good. We got MG, SC, and Faust. Minis are coming soon and I hope we get some good drops. After Sky farming I went to try for Selene's Bow again and this time I would get the bow! Needless to say I was happy with me going 1/35 on those two wabbits... Can't wait to tryout my new bow.
Thursday was Assault with the old static again and we just did points/item runs. After that was Sky, but my baby niece came for a surprise visit so I just logged and played with her. After my niece left I decided to level my PLD and got 64 that night.
Friday was was farming for a bit and leveling PLD. I got 65 that afternoon and would have gotten 66 but my party was falling asleep so we disbanded with 4k tnl for me. No matter though since it was a great party. If all goes well with invites and parties I should get 70 by the end of next week. I'll do pictures later, until next post.