Saturday was Salvage and it was a good run with a few pieces dropping for people, nothing for me still but that's expected with all the rumors of how its kinda like Dynamis or worst with drops. Still, I just have to be patience and wait it out.
Sunday was Limbus in the morning first and we did Omega. I was one of the 3 kiters, but I disconnected at the beginning when we started to engage Omega. When I reconnected it was almost dead so I didn't help much; though it was a good run for those who won pieces from Omega. Salvage was later that evening and it was average run with only 1 piece dropping, and again not for me. Since it was Superbowl weekend Assault was canceled so I logged for the night.
Monday I couldn't play because my baby niece was coming over, so nothing to report on that day.
Tuesday was Sky and we only got SC, Zippy and a water that day. Still was more productive than all of last week. After Sky I farmed a bit a logged for the night.Wednesday Limbus first and then it was Sea popping. Limbus was an average run, but got some coins out of it. When that was over it was Rawr's time and I started to head to Sea, but Scwall called for help as both MG and Faust were up so a few sea people went up to Sky to kill them. Once MG and Faust were down and items were with people, Sea people and a few extra people we pulled to join us, headed to Sea. The first popping at Sea was Jailer of Justice and from my experience it wasn't so good. I think I was 0/3 with it while I was with CK. But this time I would see a victory. Rawr put up a good fight with only 15 people as we slowly killed Justice! It was about 14mins total in the fight, and it was fun with 3 deaths, but we only got a virtue, weapon to drop. Unfortunately this time no torque, but maybe next Justice we do we will get lucky. After that sea was over since we lacked people to attempt Prudence, but still it was a good overall day.
Thursday was when my sickness hit me with full force. I believe I got it from my niece when she visited on Monday, I started to feel it on Wednesday during the Sea fight but hoped it was nothing. Anyways, I logged in quietly in Rawr only to watch for NMs for the Sky people because I had a really bad headache and I was burning up. Anyways I just sat at MG scanning until farming was over.
Friday I was still sick, but I wanted to attend Dynamis because I'm new with Limitless and like to build points for lotting AF in Northlands. The zone was Windy and we had 3 wipes which surprised me. I guess even miscommunication can happen in a LS like Limitless. I don't remember what dropped mostly because I was sick. Anyways I hope to be better by Monday for Dyanmis with Limitless again.Saturday was Salvage and we did Bhaflau Remnants farming for level 35 pieces. We did floors 1, 2, and 3, but no pieces dropped. Still it was a nice smooth run with limited deaths.
Sunday I missed Limbus with my crazy network beginning down, but lucky got back up in time for Salvage as it was my lucky day. We did Bhaflau Remnants again for level 35 pieces for floors 1, 2 and 3. The first floor nothing dropped, however when we got to the 2 floor and tried to pop the NM it finally did and we got a drop for a Usukane feet which Ramen won. Semi disappointed that I didn't win, but still happy something finally popped. Another NM popped and again Usukane feet dropped which I won! But that wasn't it we also got the NM to pop again for another Usukane feet for Dental. We were happy after that and headed to the 3 floor for some more luck. On our way there we go a Ares feet to drop from a gear mob which was for feet lotted. Unfortunately nothing popped on the 3 floor, but still 3 level 35 pieces and 1 level 15 piece was a good run. After Salvage was Assault was we did 2 quick tags before calling it a night. We wanted to do 1 more tag, but the missions we had left needed 6 people and only 5 of us were there. Still though it was a good day for me. Tomorrow is Dynamis I hope and a bit of farming.
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