As you may have noticed we have had a surge of Ixion and KV this month so far, and this continued.
Starting on Monday the 15, we did Ixion in the early afternoon and later that afternoon KV. Einherjar tier 3 was on its usual time for us and this was Aurorastar's last time with us, so we hoped for a win. Unfortunately we ran out of time with the Boss at 3%ish. I wished we would have won that for Auro as it was the last time with us. After Einherjar, it was Nyzul and we did floor advancement I believe or farming.

Tuesday was Ixion, a late night one.

Wednesday I guess I took the day off because I don't have pictures of what I did...
Thursday was Khim, I got to tank it on PLD for the first time. After that it was Einherjar.

Friday was KV, and then later it was ZNMs tier 1 and 2. Later at night it was Ixion.

Saturday it was Dynamis Windy, and then Salvage and we wiped at 1% to the Boss, which was surprising cause we usually don't wipe much anymore. Later it was Ixion again.

Sunday was a morning KV, and then later the biggest turnout for Sea EVER! Which was like 34 people. After Sea it was Salvage SSR run.

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