Well I've been lazy with updates because I have little motivation to do this, but I like to keep record of the weeks so here it goes.
Starting from Nov. 17, a Monday. It was Odin number 5 I believe. This one we loss, which is our first Odin loss to date. I believe it was around 4% before we timed out. Needless to say we were depressed after so did not do much after. My group did do Nyzul though to try and floor 80 Body armor, but nothing.
Tuesday was Dynamis Buburimu, which was a nice run for our members with a few nice drops for them. After I just farmed a bit.

Wednesday morning I believe we camped Fafnir, however no claim.
Thursday was Fafnir camping again and this time we got claim! No N.head though... which I hoped would try finally. After Einherjar Tier 3, I'm guessing we won.

Friday was JoL x2, which went pretty well considering we took 40mins on the first one and like 30mins on the second. Drops we Torque x2 and Earring, forgot which one... Also, getting killed by AV was interesting too... Later that night we got HQ turtle too I believe and I got my egg! Completely my Black Belt. Match also got A.body, it was a good day that Friday.

Saturday was Dynamis Xarcabard to try out my new toy for MNK, it was great. After it was Salvage got stuff, which I can't remember right now...

Sunday was Tier 2 Sea Jailers, I missed out because I had other stuff to do but I think only Prudence Torque dropped. After Salvage again etc... etc...

The next week starting on Monday, the 24th. We did Einherjar tier 2. After Nyzul Body armor farming I believe.

Tuesday was Dynamis Tavnazia, nothing much dropped I believe.

Wednesday was Salvage, we did SSR and got a 35 to drop for Wak.

Thursday was nothing.
Friday we did ZNMs, lots and we also got Khim during the middle of doing ZNMs. Really late at night I helped a few people camp Behe for BB item, we got claim but no drop.

Saturday was Dynamis Qufim, which started well enough. But just too many people died and we wiped 2 times which made us rush on Boss and just completely wiped after that. Salvage was after that and we did a run for Bass. Nothing good dropped though.

Sunday was just Salvage I guess, forgot what else I did.
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