Last Monday was Einherjar tier one. The LS went back to get a few other members wins so we could have more for tier two. Unfortunately we were handed our first lost in Einherjar. The Boss was a Marid type and the fleas just killed too many people. Next time we should do better. After that it was Fafnir, but we didn't get claim again on that day. Right when I was about to log it seemed that Evan, Wei, and Will got claim on Cerb and were stalling for the rest to come. I was able to play WAR on this one and it was a nice change of pace.
Tuesday was a LS merit party and I joined in on my WHM. Was pretty good with them breaking my longest chain with #167. We should have gotten 200+, but it took a bit for us to warm up I guess. In the afternoon it was Dynamis Valkurm and it was a low turnout, and a short run as we wiped to the Boss with a charmga x2. I was kind of depressed after the loss so I just farmed a bit before doing some Assault with Noy and his friend. After that I logged for the day.
Wednesday was helping Rawr with Kirin and it was a different perspective for me as I didn't tank much. I guess its almost time for it. After Kirin I farmed a bit and logged.
Thursday started off with Fafnir camping and we got this one. I was on WHM and we had trouble at start as our tank was AFK. It was close as Bj almost died since he was our only backup tank, but our tank was back and we killed it nicely. Not sure if it would have been good if it was Nidogg, but we killed it as thats all that matters in the end. However drops sucked with a.feet and a beard. After Fafnir it was Einherjar tier one again, but we got an easy Boss this time and won. With that win I'm now cleared for tier two chambers.Friday was a Free day in Perseverance so I just farmed a bit and logged to watch TV.
Saturday was Dynamis Valkurm again and this time we won. Evan decided to kill the NM for charmga and poison this time and we won the Boss fight easily. After that it was farming and we got a few stuff which I don't remember but will probably be on Perseverance's site soon enough. After Dynamis it was Salvage and this one was with the newly formed group. Dragod and Alv are leaders for the group now and this run was our first Boss win... kind of. Even though we killed the Boss, there was only 10 seconds left so we didn't get the pieces that dropped which were for Drag and Blue. But still it feels nice to win a fight for once.Sunday was Limbus and I got to complete my NIN AF +1 finally! My first NIN AF +1 and it felt good and worth the wait of like 1 year or so. After Limbus it was a bit of Sea and I joined in on Jailer of Fortitude and an attempt in popping DRK. Finally after Sea it was Salvage again, however, we only did NM farming and nothing dropped from the NMs. Still it was a smooth run with little deaths. With the new hold on the group I do hope we will have better experience with Salvage now.