Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Last Week and Half of this Week

I missed out on updating most of last week since I'm getting lazy updating this blog every day.

Anyways, starting from last Wednesday we did Sea popping and Sky farming. I was apart of the Sea popping and we did Jailer of Faith. It took like 45 mins to find the ??? to pop it and I died like 3 times trying to scout for it. However, when we did find it we had to move quickly because it moves every 15 mins and it was only a couple of mins before it would move. So Aal popped it right after we finished killing adds and aggros, but the WHM were low on MP so it took time for us to get it down. When we did get it down though we got all drops but the torque. Next time hopefully we will get the torque to drop. For the rest of the night at Sea we farmed for chips since a few people had to leave. After Sea, I did Limbus Temenos North solo for NIN material. And again I would beat it with 10 mins left and the NIN material dropped this time! Next Wednesday I will do Apollyon SE which is much easier compared to Temenos North.

Last Thursday was Assault and we were suppose to do FL missions, but Galaika didn't show so we did Nyzul Isle boot runs again. We did 3 tags I believe and the first 2 tags we didn't get any boots to drop, but the 3rd run we got a boot to drop and it was Denali Gamashes! I lotted a high 900 and won the boots! So far since I joined the static we are like 3/25ish on floor 20 for boots. After Assault was Sea farming, but I was a bit late so I joined in the middle of the farming session.

Last Friday was Dynamis at Jeuno and it was the same old thing. We kill stuff, we laugh, I kite and hit stuff. I can't wait for Northlands since I got pretty much all I want from the Cities. AFs that dropped were RNG, BLM, RDM, WHM. I dc'd at the end of the run so I don't know if anything else dropped. Next Dynamis is at Windy.

Over last weekend I didn't do anything since I got my new xbox 360. I wanted to log in on Sunday morning for Limbus with Dreams, but I overslept again! I should really set my alarm clock.

Monday was Assault and again Galaika didn't show so we did 3 tags of Nyzul Isle for boots again. However, the usual happened, no boots dropped.

Today was Minis Genbu and Suzy. We did Suzy x2 and then Genbu x4. Sky Minis are getting boring for me really, I tanked Suzy and sat for Genbu since PLDs in Rawr tank it. Anyways, we got lots of drops and made some members happy. Tomorrow is the rest of the Minis we have.

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