Hello! My first week back was pretty normal.

I returned on March 16, but I didn't do much until the 18. In fact I've been farming mostly this week as I gave most of my gil and sell able equipment away. I except most of my time for the first month or 2 will be farming for gil a lot more then usual until I get enough start up money to craft cheap stuff so I can earn money more easily.
Thursday, March 18 was Einherjar Tier3. Was a hard fight with I believe 2 waves of 2 mob types each, and the boss had a wave of 1 mob type but it was the Khim version. Was a hard Tier3, but a very good win with about 30secs left.

Friday, March 19 I camped Megalobugard all night while reading up on what I've missed and whats new in FFXI. I have to say they added a lot while I was gone, but I was gone for like 9 months so I expected lots of change. Never expected a server merger though.

Saturday, March 20 was Dynamis Tavnazia, was suppose to be Qufim but we were low on numbers so we changed zones. I played WHM, so it was cumbersome working with macros again, still need to fight more to get back into rhythm on playing WHM as it requires a bit more work then melees.

Sunday, March 21 was JoLx2, I got to play RNG that time so it was an easy job for me. I had only minimal equip though so I only did average dmg, still we had enough dmg to take JoL down quickly enough. 2 Torques, Novio dropped.

Monday, March 22 was Maintenance/Merger Day, so servers were down all day/night.
Tuesday, March 23 was Dynamis Valkrum, I got to play WAR so it was easy to play and get used to stuff again.

Wednesday, March 24 I got to help out with Salvage, I did an Apprgo run as a MNK was fun to do Salvage again.

Thursday, March 25 was Einherjar Tier1 so was an easy win.

Friday, March 26 was KS99. I had help my brother look after his kids so I was late, missed a change to use an 99 orb but maybe next time.
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