Friday, April 10, 2009

March 30 - 31, April 1- 5

March 30, Monday, was Einherjar Tier 2 which was a better performance then last run.

Tuesday was Dynamis Tavnazia, all that matters is RDM AF2 hat dropped, enough said.

April 1, Wednesday, was ZNMs again. Later at night it was Salvage.

Thursday was Einherjar Tier 1, again a low turnout, but it was Tier 1 so it was easy.

Friday was morning Salvage, later it was more ZNMs.

Saturday was Dynamis Windy. It started off well, but later it turned out rough. Windy is a big zone so you can't lowman the zone if people keep afking or leaving during the run. If we had 25+ people afking and leaving during the run wouldn't matter much, but this time we couldn't even pop the Boss. Anyways, next time, later in the day it was Salvage.

Sunday was morning Salvage, and then later it was Ouryu x3. After Ouryu it was another Salvage run. Later that night we got claim on Khim and we rushed there, started off fine until both tanks died and then we were in trouble. We lucked out and recovered and killed it, though no drop.

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