Tuesday was Dynamis Tavnazia and it was our first run. The place was actually a little fun, but the pulls are hard with us wiping 3 times on linking pulls. We got 3 - 1 AF2 pants, but nothing else. I believe the next run we do it will be better and probably an attempt to win the zone.
Wednesday was finishing up on minis in Sky. We did leftovers from last sky run and did Byakko x4. The drops we nice with money drops and other gear people needed, but the lucky mini was Byakko as he dropped 3 out of the 4 times we popped it Byakko's Haidate. Congratulations to all who go gear. After Sky it was a farming run in Salvage but I believe no 35s dropped that run.
Thursday was Einherjar Tier 2 again and it went pretty smoothly with the waves of mobs. Since the change in strategy, the time it takes for us to go through waves is getting better. However this run we ran out of time on the Boss. We got the Pudding Boss and it was a pain as it was resistant to melee attacks. Anyways, as I said we ran out of time with it at 15% or so. Still not bad with 24 people, if we had only 1 or 2 more people we may have won.
Friday was 2 orbs of Bahamut ver.2 and we got money drops and a mask to drop. Congratulations to Match who got the mask.
Saturday was Dynamis Qufim and it was a decent run with 2 AF2, a belt, and 2 100coins dropping. We also got the pleasure to see a ls mate complete his relic. Congratulations to Brainfist for completing Mandau the relic dagger. After that it was just farming for Salvage and again no 35s dropping for us this time.Sunday I didn't log on as I was busy with RL stuff, parties/family stuff.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Dynamis Tavnazia, Einherjar Tier 2, and BF's Relic
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Nothing much.
Monday was Einherjar and we tried Tier 2 again. This time though we ran out of time on the Boss, our previous losses were with us beating the Boss but not popping the chest in time. Still, its a learning process and its a new challenge to overcome.
Tuesday was Dynamis Bastok, and it was Bard night as 6 AF2 Bard dropped that night. Other AF2 dropped too, but Bard won out by a mile.
Wednesday, I just showed up for Salvage and it was just a farming NMs run, but no luck on 35 pieces. It was a smooth run though and I got to play MNK this time around.
Thursday, I went to AFK at Cerberus for a few hours and just as I arrived I saw it was up already, and from ToD it was roaming around for several minutes which is rare these days. Anyways it was a race of who can claim first as Inte was there. We got the claim in the end as their stall party didn't last very long. After that it was Einherjar and again it was a loss with time running out on the Boss.
Friday was Sky minis and we did several Seriyu and Suzy before receiving bad news that ended our night early. Not sure if its appropriate to say what it is here, so in respect I won't as its personal business for some LS members.
Saturday LS events were cancelled, as well as were LS events on Sunday. This was because of the bad news received on Friday. So the only thing I did was log on for Salvage on Saturday which was a Boss run and we won again with drops to Dragod and Wak. Its nice to win Boss run now, and I hope we can complete our pieces now quicker. Sunday Salvage I was looking forward to, but unfortunately I got a surprise visit from my niece and had to babysit for the night. I heard though they did another Boss run and won again, but got shafted on drops.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Some more Claims, and Salvage.
Monday was Cerberus and Einherjar. Cerberus was the same old thing for us, low maned and killed pretty quickly. Einherjar was a tier one I believe and I was on WHM. We got 2 waves of mobs, but was killed easily. The Boss was the wive and it was an easy victory.
Saturday was Dynamis Xarcabard and it was a good run. We got RDM hat to drop and I got WAR body. Tofu was kind enough to pass to me and I'm now 5/5 for WAR. After that I went out with the family for an early Mother's Day dinner so I missed Salvage. I heard though the group did a Boss run for and Ares body and mask dropped both to Alv. That would be the first complete piece for the group once he gets the ore to upgrade it, so congratulations Alv.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Barely any Salvage Week but lots Sea!
Monday was Einherjar tier 1 with 2 waves of mobs: dark elements, ghosts, and an easy Boss which I don't remember. We lost that run though because our BRDs died too quick, and people didn't have poison pots or RRs with them. We lost a good 5-8 mins because of those careless mistakes. We did kill the Boss though, but because a win is only official if the chest is open we lost since the body needs to depop before the chest pops. We lost by 2 seconds, 2 seconds more and we could have won. But like I said we lost a good 5-8 mins because of no poison pots or RRs. If we didn't have those careless mistakes we could have won, but it was a lesson well learned and I'm sure it will not happen again. Still it was a fun fight.
Tuesday started off with Khim in the early afternoon. We got claim and killed it with materials and a seveneyes dropping. It was the first time I was in the alliance to kill it. I would like to try and tank it once, but it will probably only happen if I camp it. After that it was Cerberus with Epic claiming it. However, if there is one thing you can say Epic does well, its their ability to wipe at anytime, even with it at 1%. Anyways we watched for like a hour or so and watched them slowly die/wipe. At 1% they did die/wipe and we got claim and finished it off. Finally after those 2 HNM it was Dynamis Sandy and we got several AF2, I was fortunate enough to get a WHM AF2. It was a nice long run, with lots of coins for Tofu's relic upgrade.
Wednesday the one Salvage run of the week, but it was just farming NMs and nothing dropped. Still it was a smooth run with 7 people.
Thursday was another Einherjar tier 1 and we won this one, but it was just 1 wave of mobs this time with a fish Boss. The Boss has a nasty AoE, but still it was fun and pretty easy.
Friday was 2 orbs of Bahamut v2. It was a good two runs with no wipe. Still the drops we ok, not great but ok. After that it was Sea but we only did Ix'aern DRK, no cape but was nice to do Sea again. Still Ix'aern DRK is so annoying to pop at times. The two NMs I hate at Sea the most are JoT and Ix'aern DRK because they are so annoying to pop.
Saturday was uneventful as I said earlier no Salvage as it was cancelled.
Sunday Ultima in the morning and it was the first win for me since I joined BK. It was fun to tank and a good feeling to win it as it is one bad ass NM. After that it was Sea and I joined in a little late. Still it was full of fun with us doing Ix'aern DRG, JoT, and JoF. Finally after that it was suppose to be Salvage but again it was cancelled because of lack of interest again. Hopefully next week we can do Salvage again.