Saturday Dynamis Buburimu and again it was a late start as attendance was low again... Lucky we got enough and started the run. The run itself turned out to be pretty good and it lifted morale as we finally won something this week. After that it was Salvage.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Bad Week of Einherjar, Slow Week
Monday was Einherjar Tier 3 again and we lost it again. At night it was Ixion again.

Tuesday was Dynamis Qufim, it was a slow start since attendance was low, real low. We had to wait a hour before we could start. When we entered it was a pretty good run. However when we hit the Boss we wiped and lost as we messed up at the end. After that people were depressed and some logged, that caused Ixion to be pushed into a real late time at night. We killed it but it would be out of our range for a long while now.
Wednesday was Salvage and after it was Khim at night.

Thursday was Einherjar Tier 3 again and we lost it again. This week would turn out to be really depressing as not many officers are on and a lot of interest in HNMs is low as morale is pretty low currently. After Einherjar I did Nyzul with the group.
Friday again was free.
Saturday Dynamis Buburimu and again it was a late start as attendance was low again... Lucky we got enough and started the run. The run itself turned out to be pretty good and it lifted morale as we finally won something this week. After that it was Salvage.

Sunday was suppose to be JoL, but as I suspected we barely hit 15 people in sea. So after a hour of waiting we canceled JoL and did normal farming. Even then only 9 people stayed for farming. Depressing week, I can only hope for next week to be better. Salvage was also canceled as we had attendance problems. Dragod will be asking a few people to join the group and we will be removing a couple of people who have been not showing lately.
Saturday Dynamis Buburimu and again it was a late start as attendance was low again... Lucky we got enough and started the run. The run itself turned out to be pretty good and it lifted morale as we finally won something this week. After that it was Salvage.
Odin, ZNM, Nyzul, and a few Ixion
Monday started off with Odin, drorps were ok but could have been better. The Odin was fast though, probably our fastest currently.
Tuesday was Dynamis Beaucedine and it was the same old stuff. We get drops, we kill stuff, nothing I wanted dropped.
Wednesday we did Tier 2 and 3 ZNMs for ls people. After that it was Salvage.

Thursday was a Tier 3 Einherjar but we wiped to the Boss. It killed a lot of people so we ran out of time.
Friday was a free day.
Saturday was Dynamis Xarcabard and it was the same old stuff again; we kill and we get drops. After that it was Salvage and after that it was Ixion. Late night Langly asked me to do some Nyzul so I did for tokens and a shot for hands.

Sunday was Sea farming, later in the afternoon Salvage again, and after that at night it was Ixion.

Saturday was Dynamis Xarcabard and it was the same old stuff again; we kill and we get drops. After that it was Salvage and after that it was Ixion. Late night Langly asked me to do some Nyzul so I did for tokens and a shot for hands.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
A Few Ixion, Sea Tier 2s, and KS99
Monday was Einherjar tier 2 and it was a win, Thursday will be a tier 1 then Odin on Monday. After that it was Ixion again.

Tuesday I missed Dynamis Valkurm, but after it was Ixion again. I heard a few stuff dropped in Valkurm including PLD cape.
Wednesday was Tier 2 Sea NMs which were 2 of each (Hope, Justice, Prudence). After the Jailers it was Ixion.

Thursday was an easy Einherjar tier 1. After that it was Sandworm, we got the HQ versoin, and after that it was Ixion. At really late night I logged on to do something as I couldn't sleep, but found out we had Khim and were low on numbers so I ran out to help.

Friday was Kirin zerg x3 and we got 2 N.bodys, 1 W.legs, and 2 Osode. I wanted the W.legs but was out bid.
Satuday was Dynamis Windy and after that it was Salvage.
Sunday was KS99 "The Hills have Eyes" but we only did x3 and we lost the first one. Unfortunately no eggs dropped which I was aiming for and so was Oth. After that it was Salvage.
Last Week of Sept., Beginning of Oct.
Starting from Sept. 29, a Monday was Einherjar tier 3. We did pretty good with the waves of mobs, but we didn't have enough time to kill the Boss so we lost.
Tuesday was Dynamis Tavnazia, we got a few drops and stuff but nothing that really stood out. After it that it was Ixion.
Wednesday was just Ixion again.
Thursday was Einherjar tier 3 again and this time we won. After that it was a couple of Nyzul runs and after that it was Ixion again.
Friday Bah V2 and we did 2 orbs, drops were decent but no mask.
Saturday started off with Dynamis Xarcabard a few AF2 dropped, then it was a farming run in Salvage as we played with frogs. Later it was Ixion after Salvage and Khim really late at night.
Sunday was Sea farming in the morning and a Salvage run in the afternoon.
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