Monday, April 30, 2007

Breeding Chocobo and Leveling Red Mage

I'm trying fraps on another computer to see if I can get some pictures. Anyways the pass few days I've been playing my Red Mage, working on my Chocobo, and doing some fishing. Right now my Red Mage is 17 hope to get it close to 19 by tomorrow. I also Breeded my two chocobos for a new egg. My male Black Chocobo and Yellow female Chocobo. I hope to get a Green or Red Chocobo female, but I understand it is only 30% chance for a color Chocobo. Anyways I'll upload the pictures of my Chocobo and me leveling soon if fraps works on this computer.

Working with chocobo.

Playing Red Mage leveled 18

Playing Red Mage leveled 19

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