This week was pretty busy for me because I could not make many events since my sister-in-law is expecting her second kid. This meant that I was on call duty in case she needed a ride to the hospital, which also meant the possibility for several false alarms.
Anyways March 16, Monday was suppose to be Einherjar Tier 1, but I couldn't make it in time. However, the others did win easily.
Tuesday was Dynamis Jeuno and I was there at start, however, I dc'd early on and could not get back on until later that night.
Wednesday was Salvage, but nothing dropped.
Thursday was only Odin #10, but I couldn't attend so I just farmed a bit to see what dropped. And what dropped was pretty good, Willya got an E.body!
Friday a morning Salvage run, then later it was Ouryu x2 and I got to tank one.

Saturday was Dynamis Xarcabard and not much AFs dropped. But we did do Willya's Frag and Landstar's Frag, Landstar's Frag we did because we were paid for it. Later it was Salvage.

Sunday was Salvage morning run. Later it Kirin x4, however, my power went out right as we popped the first Kirin so I missed the Sky run. Later though my power went back on and I was able to attend Salvage afternoon run.